LEAD Academic Network

LEAD Academic Network



About LEAD Academic Network

LEAD Academic Network: MISSION & AIM                                                                     

LEAD Academic Network Charter (English)     

LEAD Academic Network Charter (Chinese)



The LEAD Academic Network's Academic Leadership and Internationalisation Symposium was successfully held at the University of Cyprus
LEAD Facilitates Exchange Meeting Between BIE, VUB-MILO, and MMU on Teacher Education
LEAD Academic Network Open Guest Lecture on Inclusive Academic Leadership in the Global Context held at Vrije Universiteit Brussel on July 5
LEAD 学术联盟于7 月 5 日在布鲁塞尔自由大学举办 "全球背景下的包容性学术领导力"公开讲座
LEAD Academic Network Symposium Highlights Visionary Leadership and Internationalisation in Higher Education
Symposium on Academic Leadership & Internationalisation to be held at Vrije Universiteit Brussel on July 4 学术领导力与国际化研讨会将于7月4号在布鲁塞尔自由大学举行
LEAD Academic Network Symposium to be Held at the University of Cyprus on July 8,2024 LEAD学术联盟研讨会将于7月8日在塞浦路斯大学召开
The LEAD Academic Network successfully held the Forum on Innovation Education and Policies at UCAS and Inauguration Ceremony
LEAD Digital Academic Leadership Forum Enhances EU-China Higher Education Cooperation under HPPD in Beijing on 29 March 2024
LEAD Academic Network Meeting & Academic Leadership Training and Exchanges will be held from 3-9 July 2024 in Belgium and Cyprus. LEAD 学术联盟会议及学术领导者培训交流将于2024年7月3日-9日在比利时和塞浦路斯举行
LEAD Academic Network Meeting at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences on 30 March 2024 LEAD学术联盟交流会将在中国科学院大学举办
LEAD Academic Network Forum on Digital Academic Leadership & Cooperation of European and Chinese Higher Education on 29 March 2024 in Beijing 数字学术领导力与中欧高等教育合作论坛
Forum on Digital Academic Leadership & Cooperation of European and Chinese Higher Education 数字学术领导力与中欧高等教育合作论坛将于2024年3月29-30日在北京举办
LEAD Academic Network hosts a Roundtable on Higher Education Internationalization and International Cooperation at University of Zagreb
LEAD Academic Network Members Actively Engage in the E-Teach Final Conference and Multiplier Event on February 2, 2024
LEAD Academic Network Facilitates Networking Meeting with Members and E-Teach Partners
LEAD Academic Network Committee's Meeting Held on 19 Jan.2024
LEAD 学术联盟委员会会议于2024年1月19号顺利举行
LEAD Network Meeting will take place at University of Zagreb, 5 Feb. 2024
LEAD Network Meeting and E-Teach Conference will take place at VUB in Brussels, 1-2 Feb.2024
LEAD Academic Network Committees’ Meeting Scheduled for January 19, 2024
LEAD Academic Network Newsletter Nr.1 (January 2024)
LEAD Academic Network Flyer 
LEAD Academic Network Committee Members
The Overview of LEAD Academic Network activities in a snap video
LEAD Academic Network's Chinese Committee Meeting Held in Beijing, Forging Ahead with China-Europe Higher Education Cooperation Initiatives
LEAD Academic Network's 2023 Annual Meeting Showcases Global Insights on Academic Leadership and Digital Transformation
Registration for the LEAD Academic Network: Join the Network as an individual Member
Register for the LEAD Academic Network Annual Meeting & Webinar 18 Dec. 2023
Registration for the LEAD Academic Network: Confirmation of Membership
Invitation to Join the LEAD Academic Network!
LEAD Academic Network 2023 Annual Meeting to be held on 18 Dec.2023
LEAD Academic Network Meeting and Symposium 22-23 July 2023
LEAD Academic Network Meeting Successfully Held in Guilin, July 2023
LEAD Academic Network Symposium on Digital Academic Leadership Took Place in Guiling, July 2023
Chinese Partners' Meeting and Kick-off of the LEAD Academic Network (Jan.2023)
Read here the LEAD2 Testimonial Booklets!
View here the LEAD2 Testimonial Videos!
Visit the LEAD2 Online Knowledge Base!